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Facebook terus meningkatkan fitur-fiturnya agar user tetap setia dan aktif. Pagi ini saya membaca blog Facebook yang berisi tentang halaman friend dikembangkan menjadi suatu fitur yang berguna untuk mengatur teman berdasarkan hubungan (kenal dari mana). Dengan halaman baru ini diharapkan dapat membantu user mencari, mengelompokan teman dan memudahkan dalam pengaturan privacy.
Cara mengelompokan teman berdasarkan hubungan
Artikel asli blog Facebook
We launched a new Friends Page today to make it easier for you to find and organize your connections so you can better filter the content you see from them on your home page and manage your privacy settings. If you don't see the new page just yet, don't worry. We've started to roll it out today, and it will be available to everyone soon.
When you visit the Friends Page, you will first see tools that make it simple for you to find and connect with all the people you care about. The easiest way to find friends on Facebook is searching your email address book. Just enter your information, and you'll be able to find all the people you connect with via email on Facebook, too. Check out suggestions of people or celebrities and organizations you may want to connect with or find friends by searching their name, email address or instant messenger accounts.
Grouping People
Now that you've found people you want to connect with, you can also create, view and organize those connections into Friend Lists right from the Friends Page. Friend Lists let you create named lists of friends to group relationships and more easily share with certain sets of people. We launched Friends Lists at the end of 2007 and have continued to improve them. We expect these lists to become increasingly useful throughout the site as it grows and evolves.
When you look at your new Friends Page, you may find a few lists already created for you. These are automatically recommended lists based on details you entered when you added a new friend and answered the question "How do you know this person?" You can modify or delete those lists if you choose.
Keep in mind, your friends won't be able to see any of the lists you've created.
Filtering Content
Once you've created your Friend Lists, you can use them all over the site — for example, to send Inbox messages, group or event invitations, or to set privacy on the content you publish. Now with the new home page, you can even filter the stream of stories on your home page by Friends Lists. That way, you can see what is going on with certain groups of people.
Tips: Pada halaman home, Anda akan melihat semua daftar teman di samping kiri halaman. Anda dapat mengatur daftar dalam urutan apapun. Daftar Teman pertama akan menjadi tampilan default untuk Feed Berita - penyaringan secara otomatis untuk menampilkan semua pembaruan dari orang-orang dalam daftar yang setiap kali Anda mengunjungi situs.
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